Saturday, 20 November 2010

The result of a hangover.

So, today seems to have been an alright kinda day. This is of course, what I can gather from the few glimpses out of my window, taken when I felt capable of moving without summoning up a reflex of puke.

As I suffered a heavy, red wine-induced hangover, I decided to stay calmly in my bed, but managed to draw something. I guess that's one productive thing, yes?

Here it is. Happy Saturday!

I have a slight obsession with old couture photographs, so expect lots of drawings like this. This particular image is taken from a French Vogue from 1954. The dress is Christian Dior, entitled "Zemire". The model, Nancy Berg. Photographed by Clifford Coffin. What a name.


Diana said...

Ooh those red wine hangovers lol
Love the drawing


Fickle Cattle said...

That dress on her is lovely. Actually, the whole drawing is lovely.

Dreamer said...

A very belated thank you :)